Saturday, March 28, 2009

bad week for my web pages

Well my B.A.N.S. pages are NOT being pickup by e-bay as I had believed. Somehow E-bay Partner Network rejected my request to join. Some how the e-bay ads did get placed on my Build a Niche store pages. When I sent a e-mail about it e-bay painter network said I had been rejected but it is not their policy to to say WHY anything is rejected. Until I can get accepted those pages are not generating any income. The Google search engine did something as well. My catfishing page was in the top 10 spot for the keyword catfishing for weeks. Then on Monday it just is no longer to be found?? I have edited out the page to see if the new links to my b.a.n.s. pages was the reason. If Anyone has had similar problems with b.a.n.s. page let me know by e-mail how you were able to resolve that problem. Have a nice day.

Monday, March 23, 2009

how do atfish KNOW?

I added a article to a web site yesterday about how catfish get back at fishermen. I hope you enjoy it. I will be up dating the stories and information in the future. have a great day

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Well I just got finished uploading my NEW BANS page to my 2 main web pages. and The BANS site contains one of the articles I worte about on of my better catfishing trips on the Ohio River. I hope you enjoy the story.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nice day for golf

It was a warm but windy day here in Cincinnati. So went out a par 3 check out my swing. The ground was on the damp side so my irons dug into the ground more that I wanted. Had trouble sinking the short putts again. My back got stiff by the time I finished the 9 holes. It is going to get cool again for the next week so I did get some fresh air and excerise today.
I am still trying to figure out twitter. Do not know how to anwer a reply I got from a person. I treid but the message I type never showed up at their end?
I am considering putting updates to my fishing trips on this blog instead of my web page to save some space on the page. That is it for now

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just got on TWITTER

I just signed up on TWITTER as nlcatfish so will be adding things there in the future. I got my fishing license yesterday. Getting my small fishing boat ready. Hope to get it in the Ohio River before March 18th. Went to 2 church bizarres yesterday morning. Got some decent buys. Check with the lady about the Emmit Kelly Jr. figurines. She was only offering to pay what it cost me, so I will try selling them at the auction house.

Still can not figure out how to add other blogs to a blog roll on my blog. I just have a hard time figuring if I have to add some html with a link to the other blog for each blog I want to add or what.

Friday, March 6, 2009

still trying to figure this stuff out

Well it has been a couple days since I started this blogging stuff. As best i can tell i am the only person that has read my posting. Just have no idea as get people that read blog to check out what information I have to offer.
Here goes anyway. I intend to get my fishing boat flipped over onto my trailer. Put the two anchors and rope back in the boat. Try to firm up the bracket in the back of the boat to handle the stress of the motors vibration. Put some ex poxy on one of the bench seat supports to firm it up as well.

Saturday morning Planning on hitting a couple of church Bizarre sales for some costume jewelry. I did pick up some Emmit Kelly Jr. mini figurines at a thrift store the other day. My reference book on collectibles indicated I made a good buy.. Now the hard part is finding a buyer that is going to pay so I get a reasonable profit. If I take it to my local auction house I may be able to just make a buck or two in profit. Seems they never try get bids near the value of the good items. I do have a lady that operates an antique store. She does have a knowledge of the value of items. At least when I sell things to her the is NO seller fee to deal with as with the auction house.

Well that is it for now. Any helpful information as how to do this blogging better would be appreciated. Have a nice day.
If you are into on line shopping look up I have links off that page with INFORMATION on COLLECTING. Have a nice day

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A NEWBIE at blogging!

I have 3 major hobbies or interests that are now interconnect via the Internet. First is my fishing for catfish on the Ohio river around downtown Cincinnati. The 2Nd is acquiring collectible costume jewelry for resale. The 3rd is have web sites covering these two topics. That is how to generate more traffic to those sites. Trying to learn ways to get revenues off the pages some how,etc.

The cat fishing page is my main site at my shopping page is where I have the pages about collecting my jewelry items. I am trying to see how to use this blog to update the pages .

I will need to keep with different technical matters about blogging ,using camcorder to make videos to up load to YouTube etc. So hopeful as time goes on I will a better understanding
of the various learning curves of being on the information highway.